Thursday, 30 January 2014

Vowels and Consonants, Lesson 10

123Use of Capital letter in sentence.

First letter of sentence
This is a box.When did you Come? etc.
First letter of Proper noun
The Ganges, The Pakistan, Mathura, Rehman etc.
First letter of Poetry
His coat is ragged, and blown away.
He drops his head, and he knows not why?
Abbreviation of organizations and degreis
B.A,,LL.B,  P.T.O.,N.B.  U.N.O etc.
First letter of God, Lord
God, Lord, He, His.
pronoun "I" must be capital
How can I ever forget?
First letter of days and month names
January, March, Sunday, Monday etc
First letter of Salutation of letter
Dear Khatak /Aunt/Sir.
First letter of Complementary clause
Yours sincerely,/Affectionately yours.
First letter of Quotation mark in the sentence
He said, "Don't forget to inform me about the date of your interview".

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