Friday 31 January 2014

Conversation about Recreation, Do’s, Don’ts

Recreation تفریح

    Recreadtion 1
  • She will wait for you at the cinema.
  • Is today's play worth seeing?
  • It was a sweet/melodious song.
  • Stamp collecting/philately is my hobby.
  • It was a very interesting story.
  • I used to go to see a film every Sunday.
  • I showed some of my stamps to Ali.
  • She can play the piano but not the violin.
  • We were listening to music.
  • The film 'Krish' will be released shortly.

Do's ایسا کیجئے

    Do's 2
  • Talk respectfully with elders.
  • Write as neatly as you can.
  • Chew your food properly.
  • Keep to the left.
  • Love your youngers.
  • Be hardworking./Cultivate the habit of working hard.
  • Brush your teeth after both the meals.
  • Hold firmly.
  • Obey your elders.
  • Wake up early in the morning.
  • Go out for a walk in the mornings and evenings.
  • Sink your differences.
  • Patch up your disputes.
  • Mend your ways.
  • Stand up right, don't bend.
  • Always keep the idiots off.
  • Give due regard to your equals.
  • Be punctual and attentive.
  • Always shake hands with your right hand.
  • Handle a book with clean hands.

Don'ts ایسا مت کیجئے

    Don't 3
  • Don't waste your time.
  • Don't shirk work.
  • Don't disturb others.
  • Don't speak ill of others.
  • Don't sit idle.
  • Don't be in a hurry.
  • Don't depend upon others.
  • Don't go out barefooted.
  • Don't write anything on your books.
  • Don't steal others things.
  • Don't lose your balance.
  • Don't quarrel with others.
  • Don't pluck flowers.
  • Don't spit on the floor.
  • Don't laugh at others.
  • Don't turn the corners of the page.
  • Don't doze while working.
R=d end

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