Friday 31 January 2014

Conversation about Office, Things

Office دفتر

  • This is a National Bank checque.
  • He has resigned.
  • My watch has stopped.
  • Work pressure is very heavy these days.
  • I'll think over this matter.
  • Put up the notice on the notice-board.
  • Is the boss in?
  • Please sign here.
  • The head clerk is all in this office.
  • He didn't/couldn't get leave.
  • He has been warned.
  • My application has been accepted.
  • I want to make a call.
  • This clerk is a favourite of the officers.
  • This point was not touched.
  • I'll surely keep this in mind.
  • Type this letter fast.
  • His resignation has been accepted.
  • No smoking.
  • Can you make this graphic design on computer?
  • Is it late?
  • You are late by an hour.
  • What's the date today?
  • I'm very busy today.
  • Are you working in that office?
  • I follow all what you say.
  • Success has gone to his head.
  • She has joined today.
  • Is there any phone call for me?
  • What post do you hold?
  • I have fixed an appointment with the doctor at 5 o'clock.
  • It's better if you resign.
  • For how many days would you have to take leave?

 Things اشیاء

  • Bring/get all these things.
  • Please give change.
  • Please carry your holdall.
  • Please have something cold.
  • Have to get my spectacles changed.
  • I need another blanket.
  • He is font of beautiful things.
  • Put the utensils back on the shelf.
  • The mirror was broken by me.
  • I have to get my furniture repaired.
  • I haven't seen your book.
  • He left his house with bag and baggage.
  • This is a very fine/nice; beautiful picture.
  • Pack these things/articles.
  • You have not shown me your photograph
  • Please deliver the goods at my hotel.
  • I want rice, pulses and curry.
  • You should travel light.
  • This cloth appears durable.
  • My watch has been sent for repairs.
  • I Get your room painted blue.
  • Have you got your house whitewashed?
  • This box is very heavy.

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