Friday 31 January 2014

Simple present tense

Sub + Verb+ object
سادہ جملے

 Sub Verb Object
 I /We/You/They play football.
 He/She/it plays football.
منفی جملے
Sub do not/ does not verb object
I/we/you/theydo notplayfootball.
He/She/itdoes notplayfootball.
سوالیہ جملے
Do/does Sub verb object

Uses of simple Present tense:

Simple present tense is used for general truth:
  • It snows in winter
  • Plants die without water.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • Water boils at 100°C.
  • Two and two make four.
Simple present tense is used for the actions always happens.
  • School starts at 9 am in the morning.
  • Do you go to school by bus every day?
It is also used for operations of the present, which only last a moment or follow one another.
  • The car stops.
  • I park the car down the street and cross the street.
We use simple present tense  for habits or things that we do regularly.
  • Does she  smoke?
  • I get up early in the morning.
  • Ahmed gets up at six o'clock every day.
  • How often do you watch movies?
At the 3rd Person singular (he, she, it) s or es attached to the verb or an auxiliary verb.
In interrogative sentences or negative sentences, we use the construction with the auxiliary verb to do:
Do you work? No, I do not work.
Does she play? No she does not  play.
 Helping verb Do/Does used in conversation:
Asif: Do you study English?
Asim: Yes, I do.
Asif: Does Haris come to your house?
Asim:Yes, he comes sometimes.
Asif: Do other friends also come to you?
Asim: Yes, they do.
Asif: Do you stay in Mumbai?
Asim: No, I stay in Kolkata.

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