Friday 31 January 2014

Present perfect continuous/ progressive tense


We use has been  with only 3rd person singular. (He, she, it, Ali ) 
Since is used to talk about  Point of time . moring, evening, 2 pm, 4'0 clock, Monday, 2013 etc
 For  is usde to talk about  period of time . 2 hours, 10 minutes, 1 weeks, 2 years
Read  examples  sentences  of the present perfect progressive tense

Example sentences.
He has been playing since morning.
I have been waiting for her for 3 hours.

Structure of Present perfect continuous

Positive sentences
Subhas/have beenpresent participle
Hehasbeenreadingfor an hour.
Wehavebeenplayingsince morning.
Negative sentences
 beenpresent participle
Hehasnotbeenreadingfor an hour.
Theyhavenotbeenplayingsince morning.
Interrogative sentences
has/haveSub beenpresent participle
Hasshebeenreadingfor an hour.
Haveyoubeenplayingsince morning.
Using the present perfect  progressive/continuous tense:
1.We use the Present Perfect Continuous to  talk about some thing started in the past ant still continue.
  • It has  been raining since morning.
  • He has been ridding on a bike for an hour .
  • What have you been taking about  for 20 minutes on phone?
  • Aslam  has been learning  in this college since March.
  • We have been walking  for an hour  hours!
  • Why has the patient not been taking his medicine regularly?

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