Friday 31 January 2014

Idioms in English

Set "A"

    English Idioms 1
  • Blow out the candles.
  • can't you sit still?
  • Don't make a noise.
  • Hold your tongue.
  • He last his temper.
  • He was overjoyed.
  • He stumbled over a stone and fell down.
  • I am feeling sleepy.
  • I withdraw my words.
  • I am a bit hard of hearing.
  • I am an eye-sore to him.
  • Keep to the left.
  • No admission without permission.
  • Turn on the tap.
  • The hall was packed to capacity.

Set "B"

    English Idioms 2
  • God knows better.
  • He cares not a fig for my words.
  • He is dying by inches.
  • He added fuel to the fire.
  • He has gone to get hair cut.
  • Please thread the needle.
  • Square up my accounts.
  • They are hand and glove with each other.
  • This book is selling like hot cake.
  • The front wheel of my bicycle need pumping.
  • Your talk is all Greek to me.
  • This girls takes after her mother.
  • We have eaten our fill.
  • You had better made a clean breast of the
    whole matter.
  • He is last to all sence of shame.

Set "C"

    English Idioms 3
  • Come, let's try our luck.
  • Do not spit on the grass.
  • His son is the apple of his eye.
  • He is in the good books of his officers.
  • He is a book warm.
  • It is twenty minutes to ten.
  • It happened long ago.
  • I have a headache.
  • I am not on talking terms with him.
  • It is biting cold today.
  • It is very hot outside.
  • Kaleem turned red with rage.
  • Oh hearing this, I heaved a sigh of relief.
  • Take the time by the forelock.
  • The room is being white washed.
  • We were having a stroll in the garden.

Set "D"

    English Idioms 4
  • Bridle your tongue.
  • Blow out your noise.
  • Don't be taken by him.
  • Face in the index of mind.
  • He disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.
  • He has made a hell of my life.
  • He has kept pigeons.
  • It is all talk.
  • I am at home in Arithmetic.
  • I like curly hair.
  • I had this word on the tip of my tongue.
  • My house is a long way off.
  • Please, excuse me.
  •  Please feel my pulse.
  • The king was at his wit's end.

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