Friday 31 January 2014

Everyday Phrases

  • Oh my Goodness!
  • Such a cheat like Mujahid...Oh my Goodness!
  • Goodness me!
  • Alia is such a treacherous cheat...goodness me!
  • Goodness knows...
  • Only Goodness knows who is to win.
  • Thank Goodness!
  • Thank Goodness that we have won.
  • Good Heavens/Lord.
  • I wish to Good Heavens to let the robbers down!
  • For God's sake!
  • For God's sake, please marry now.
  • Weird!
  • Weird! You have come again.
  • Oh no!
  • Would you bear that insult?...Oh no!
  • Well!
  • Well Now you will live here?
  • Of Course!
  • Would you take your share?...Of Course!
  • Surely not!
  • Are you going to get married to saadia?...
  • Surely not!
  • Strange!
  • You are coming in hot sun?...Surely not!
  • Really!
  • I have passed in A-grade...Really!
  • Really!
  • Have you passed ?...
  • Really!
  • Ah!
  • Ah! You must be speaking  against me?
  • How lovely!
    Phrases 2
  • We have won a price ...How lovely!
  • How lovely!
  • How's that!
  • Ganguly is bold...How's that!
  • You Cheat!
  • You deprived me of my money...You Cheat!
  • What...!
  • What nonsense!
  • What confusion is here!
  • What a...?
  • What a beautiful flower!
  • What a cruel king!
  • What a horrible scene!
  • True?
  • I have won the prize...True?
  • How dare you!
  • You called my brother names! How dare you!
  • Pardon/Pardon me.
  • Pardon me, I stepped over you.
  • Oh you idiot!
  • You have mingled up the pages.Oy you idiot!
  • Excuse me!
  • Excuse me, would you tell your name, miss?
  • Damn care!
  • I shall get you to the police...Damn care!
  • Damn all !
  • We go damn all last month.
  • No thanks!
  • Sir, would you have tea?...
  • No thanks
  • Yes please!
  • Asma, would you have a cold drink?...Yes please!
    phrases 3
  • Oh yes!
  • Do you like ice cream?...Oh yes!
  • What a relief!
  • Oh! I have won the lottery ...What a relief!
  • Whew!
  • Whew! That was my fault.
  • What's the matter?
  • What's the matter, Madam?
  • That's right!
  • I gave you five hundered rupees...That's right!
  • Oh I see!
  • You are perhaps my old friend...Oh I see!
  • You thought I had died ...Oh I see!
  • How could  you..
  • Hou could you pass this difficult test?
  • Shit/Oh Shit!
  • It is spoiled once again...Oh shit!
  • My foot!
  • Don't force me, I shall not visit him...My foot!
  • Wonderful!
  • Present Govt's track record...Wonderful!
  • How do you mean?
  • You're eating your cake and having it.How do you
  • Oh, no!
  • You say I should marry that ugly girl?...Oh no!
  • I am sorry.
  • I hurt your feelings.I'm sorry.
  • If I were!
  • I would not have accepted it if it were!
  • You have!
  • What is the real trouble with me? You have!
  • Sure?
  • I can eat 1 kg in one try...sure?

    phrases 4
  • Just a minute!
  • Please, give me your phone number...Just a minute!
  • That's true!
  • So far, I have paid your half salary ...That's true!
  • May be!
  • Mustafa Khar will marry a 9th time...May be!
  • Just think!
  • This increasing population and decreasing resources.Just
  • Rest assured!
  • Rest assured! I shall not leave you alone.
  • Hurry up!
  • Hurry up! Hurry up! The bell has gone.
  • Pleasure is mine.
  • You have done me a great favour...Pleasure is mine!
  • Awful!
  • Boys and girls study together...Awful!
  • The wife-cum-secretary...Awful!
  • Not that one!
  • Do you know that man?,...Not that one!
  • That's funny!
  • The story of our last visit to jallo...That's funny!
  • I bet!
  • I will win against you...I bet!
  • All right!
  • You promise to come again...All right!
  • Doubtless!
  • Doubtless!...Miss Asifa is the best teacher.
  • I don't know!
  • Who would be the next president?...I don't know!
  • I can't help!
  • I can't help laughing in sir Awan's class.
  • Absolutely right!
  • 100 minus 26 equals 74...Absolutely right!
    phrases 5
  • What a pleasure!
  • Ah! cool wind outside . What a pleasure!
  • Well done!
  • Pakistan 190 for no loss...well done!
  • Er...
  • I wants egg etc.
  • How exciting!
  • Watching the final match in the stadium...Howexciting!
  • How idiotic!
  • He resigned after a month only...How idiotic!
  • Darling!
  • Darling! Would you make me a cup of tea?
  • You are so...!
  • You are so kind  Zanib!
  • You are so interesting , Raza!
  • You are so clever, Kalsoom!
  • How nice!
  • Akhtar, you went there for me yourself...How nice!
  • By the by/ By the way
  • By the way, do you hate that man?
  • Action stations!
  • Action stations!The play begins.
  • Too bad!
  • You're a bit late always...too bad!
  • You bet!
  • Can you solve this sum?...of course! bet!
  • Don' t stand on ceremony!
  • I've already taken tea...Don' t stand onceremony!
  • Join the club!
  • If she hates you,join the club! She also
    hates me.
  • Come off it!
  • No kidding, come off it and tell me the truth.
    phrases 6
  • Come to that.
  • I am not his fan ...Come to that I hate
  • What's cooking?
  • You are sitting here with your friend for
    two hours...What's cooking?
  • What's the damage?
  • I have bought books, note books, and pencils
  • what's the damage?

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