Friday 31 January 2014

Conversation about Study

Study مطالعہ

    Study 1
  • If you pass, your parents will be happy.
  • I know how to speak English.
  • In which college are you?
  • How are you getting on with your studies?
  • I had no time to finish my work.
  • What does it mean?
  • She takes keen interest in her studies.
  • The students will know the result on monday.
  • Ahmad have passed the examination.
  • Why don't you let me read/study.
  • As we labour, so shall we be rewarded
    Our reward will depend on our labour.
  • Which books in English have you read?
  • I'm too tired to attend the class.
  • When does her examination begain?
  • I'll pass my  MA this year.
  • I couldn't study anything today.
  • He failed in the MA examination.
  • The question is very easy.
  • Neither Salma nor her sister comes to school regularly.
  • I'll definitely pass/get through.
  • I read a very interesting book last night.
  • He is weak in English.
  • Classes start early nowadays/these days.    
  • We have completed/finished our studies.
    Study 2
  • Either you beg his pardon or pay the fine.
  • He doesn't know anything./He's good for nothing.
  • She has been absent since Tuesday.
  • I have been in this college for two years.
  • Hold your tongue/Keep shut.
  • I don't have a spare pencil.
  • We are not on speaking terms.
  • We are not on visiting terms.
  • This boy won't be able to get on in the 12th class.
  • Your handwriting is not good.
  • Keep the book with you for the present.
  • He often runs away from the school.
  • What are you looking at?/
    Why don't you pay attention?
  • Don't you have any influence on the headmaster?
  • Our school will be closed for vacation from tomorrow.
  • Boys, time is over, hand in your papers.
  • The new time table will corne into force from 1st July.
  • Why do you chatter/speak nonsense?
  • I have been in this college since 1990.
  • Your school is good.
  • He is good at English.
  • He is dropping out of the examination this year
  • He is a good sportsman.
    Study 3
  • Do you have a spare exercise book/notebook?
  • The headmaster exempted my fine.
  • He has got a distinction in English .
  • Raza is the best boy in the class
  • He is junior to me by one year.
  • A good boy brings credit to his class.
  • He is ahead of me in Mathematics.
  • Who has set this paper?
  • It is time for school.
  • The boy did not come to school.
  • The boy recited a poem.
  • Have you offered arts or science?
  • I have offered Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • Don't speak nonsense./Stop yapping.
  • Has the roll been called?
  • Mathematics is my bugbear.
  • All the efforts failed.

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